Quiz - LearnH2O


  1. NPDES stands for
    1. Non-Pollutant Discharge Examination System
    2. New Pollutant Determination and Elimination System
    3. National Pollutant Discharge Examination System
    4. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
  2. The act that requires proper planning of all types of sewage facilities and permitting of On-Lot Disposal Systems is
    1. Act 537
    2. Act 11
    3. Act 303
    4. None of the above
  3. DEP can set different pollutant limits than EPA as long as those limits are
    1. Approved by the certification board
    2. More lenient
    3. More stringent
    4. All of the above
  4. Wastewater systems do not need a certified operator if they
    1. Contact their State Representative
    2. Treat less than 2000 gpd
    3. Have a board member that is an engineer
    4. Only operate seasonally
  5. DEP enforces the laws for EPA in Pennsylvania because they have ____________.
  6. Act 11 is known as the Operator Certification Act.
    1. True
    2. False