Quiz - LearnH2O
- NPDES stands for
- Non-Pollutant Discharge Examination System
- New Pollutant Determination and Elimination System
- National Pollutant Discharge Examination System
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- The act that requires proper planning of all types of sewage facilities and permitting of On-Lot Disposal Systems is
- Act 537
- Act 11
- Act 303
- None of the above
- DEP can set different pollutant limits than EPA as long as those limits are
- Approved by the certification board
- More lenient
- More stringent
- All of the above
- Wastewater systems do not need a certified operator if they
- Contact their State Representative
- Treat less than 2000 gpd
- Have a board member that is an engineer
- Only operate seasonally
- DEP enforces the laws for EPA in Pennsylvania because they have ____________.
- Act 11 is known as the Operator Certification Act.
- True
- False