Given the following data, determine if an unused circular tank can be used for 180 day sludge storage: daily sludge production is 2500 gallons, tank is 20’ deep with a diameter of 50’.
If a system has an influent flow of 845,000 gpd with a BOD of 320 mg/L, how many pounds of BOD enter the treatment plant each day?
What is the F/M ratio of a plant with an influent flow of 0.125 MGD, influent BOD of 280 mg/L, aeration volume of 200,000 gallons and a MLVSS of 2100 mg/L?
There is a power outage at a lift station and bypass pumping to the next manhole is necessary. If the lift station is 10’ x 10’ x 15’ deep and it fills in 10 minutes, how many gallons per minute need to be pumped?
Given the following data, calculate the pump rate of the lift station in gallons per minute. HINT: When the pump is running, it is pumping water in the pump station plus the influent.
If a plant is using two primary clarifiers that have a diameter of 80’ and a depth of 12’, what is their detention time in hours when the flow is 7.2 MGD and split evenly between both tanks?
Given the following information, what percentage of the BOD is being removed? Inf. flow = 1.2 MGD, Inf. BOD = 240 mg/L, Eff. BOD 10 mg/L.
Given the following data, determine if the chlorine contact tank is large enough to meet a 30 minute detention time. Tank depth = 15’, Tank length = 20’, Tank width = 15’, Flow = 35,000 gph.